Animación á lectura

Animación á lectura

A biblioteca é a máis democrática das institucións, porque ninguén en absoluto pode dicirnos qué ler, cando nin cómo.Doris Lessing


Deep Trouble

by Lesley Thompson

Amy and Matt are bored. They don't want to study for their exams - they want to have a good time. So they drive to the marina at West Palm Beach, and Matts jumps onto one of the boats. 'We can go anywhere!', he jokes. But when the owners come back and find, Matt and Amy are in deep trouble. Matt is a good swimmer and enjoys scuba-diving, but now he must dive for
their lives.

1 comentario:

Natalia Alonso 2ºB dixo...

I like this book.It is very interesting and exciting too.I recomended this history to a funny people